Evere Cemetery (Brussels Town Cemetery) ligt aan de "
Er bevinden zich 588 (WW2) graven, waarvan 494(UK), 9(Aus),
74(Can), 5(NZ), 2(SA) en 4(Unk) op dit cemetery.
Er bevinden zich 54 (WW1) graven, waarvan 4(UK) en 50(Can) op dit cemetery.
Er bevinden zich 44 Non-Commonwealth graven, waarvan 3(Gre),
9(NL), 21(Pol), 2(Yoe) en 9(CWGC-staff) op dit cemetery.
Private Arthur Alsept
Service No: 195974
Date of Death: 7 februari 1919 (age 41)
Regiment/Service: Canadian Infantry
21st Bn.
Additional Information:
Son of William and Charlotte Alsept, of Nunhead, London; husband of Louisa Isabel Alsept, of 11, Lochaber Rd., Lee, London.
Private A.Alsept
21st BN. Canadian Inf.
7th February 1919
Private John Woods
Service No: 9969
Date of Death: 11 januari 1919 (age 24)
Regiment/Service: Canadian Infantry
"C" Coy. 3rd Bn.
Additional Information:
Husband of Amelia Woods, of 16, Charles St., Portadown, Co. Armagh, Ireland.